Why Us

The message we try to explain to our students is that getting into a British university is the easy part. The hardest part is maintaining good grades due to academic unpreparedness.

At The Oxford Method, our job is to provide intensive academic tutorials for international students interested in studying abroad. As trained academics, we teach our students the importance of critical thinking and academic writing, so that when they begin courses at a British university, they are academically prepared for whatever comes their way.

As former international students ourselves, we learned the hard way of what happened when we arrived at university intellectually underprepared for the rigorous high standards expected of us at some of the highest world ranking universities.

Many international students who attend the British university system find that the academic expectations are far more challenging than their experiences in their home country. Sometimes these issues are cultural and/or linguistic, other times students are having to adjust to the demands and anxieties of how to write, research, and debate an argument in a fast-paced, hands-off environment, based on their personal opinions.

At The Oxford Method all of our tutors are Oxbridge educated, and/or have worked as academics at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. We have extensive experience providing pastoral care to university students and are trained specifically to help students to discover their academic strengths as they work their way through challenging educational terrain.